
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Breaking Amish (non)Reality TV?

Breaking Amish is a reality based program that follows the lives of one Mennonite and four Amish people who leave their respective communities for life in New York.  A Facebook page was created that claims the show is not telling the truth.

Christian Post wrote, " one claim is that Kate, an Amish bishop's daughter, sent photos to a modelling agency..... For the Amish, photography of any sort is deemed a sin, as it promotes vanity.  If the claims were true, Kate would surely have been punished, possibly shunned for her behaviour".  The New York Daily News and others, reported there have been misrepresentations by the shows participants and possibly by TLC (The Learning Channel) itself.  As a result, the show has removed the phrase "leaving the community for the first time" and replace it with a statement that they all have left (their communities) before the show.  TLC also released the following statement, "There is a lot of information floating around about the group on 'Breaking Amish.'  Much of it is not truth, but some of it is--and is addressed in upcoming episodes."

I've only watched one of the two shows that aired. I'm not sure if I'll spend any more time trying to figure out truth from Hollywood style exaggerations.  I guess I can continue watching or satisfy my curiosity about these communities, by reading about Rumspringa  instead.  Either way, it's a fascinating topic.


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