
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Yogurt Facials for Great Skin

No need for pricey dermatology treatments to perfect you complexion.  "Yogurt contains lactic acid which is a component in some in-office chemical peels," says dermatologist Hema Sundaram, MD.  "It gently exfoliates the top layers of the epidermis, which can clear up blemishes and discolourations and may even reduce fine wrinkles."

Try this do-it-yourself mask:
Mix 1 cup greek yogurt with 2 to 3 drops of almond or olive oil and a tablespoon of honey;  apply to face, leave on for 20 - 30 minutes, then rinse and pat dry.
Results:  more radiant skin

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy 34th Anniversary Darling

Let my love for you be crystal clear 
May the sincerity of my love subside your fears 
I would never leave you, I would never be gone 
With me you would never again be alone 
You will never find a love more true 
Than this love I hold for you.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Meet Nelson Kanuk

Third installment of the Trust film series, a joint collaboration between Our Children's Trust, Witness and the iMatter Campaign.
In this episode of the TRUST Series, meet Nel­son Kanuk, a 17-year old who learned how cli­mate change was affect­ing his com­mu­nity and felt he could best help by shar­ing his story. In this 8-minute film, Nel­son explains that the main prob­lem fac­ing the north­ern parts of the world is that win­ter is com­ing later and later. This results in increased ero­sion due to per­mafrost melt, increased flood­ing due to warmer tem­per­a­tures, and inten­si­fied storms because the sea ice forms later in the sea­son and is unable to pro­vide a nat­ural bar­rier for our coastal com­mu­ni­ties. This, in turn, leads in the loss of homes, com­mu­ni­ties, cul­tures, and a way of life.